On Ensemble: Ume In The Middle
My friends the On Ensemble have released another album, called Ume In The Middle. It's pretty fantastic work. The On Ensemble is a neo-taiko (or taiko fusion, if you will) ensemble; they blend traditional Japanese taiko drumming with electronic beats, turntables, beat-boxing, Tuvan throat singing, and other fantastic sonic tricks.
Ordinarily taiko drumming suffers when translated to audio format. It's a very visual art form; almost a blend of martial arts and percussion. The On Ensemble overcomes this problem by compensating with some really cutting-edge record production. The guy behind the production in this case is my friend Shoji Kameda, or Kametron as he's known in liner notes.
You'll also get a chance to hear the On Ensemble on my album. They lay down taiko tracks on a number of songs, and are featured prominently in my Japanese song, Mado Kara Mieru.
Really quality stuff. Give it a listen!

Labels: Electronica, Good Music
Thanks for the review, Chris, and so glad you like the album! We're looking forward to hearing Calling All Dawns when it's done!
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اتوبار فرمانیه
October 29, 2022 at 3:44 AM
Ume In The Middle is the title of another album that On Ensemble has published. It's very amazing work. The On Ensemble is a neo-taiko (or taiko fusion, if you will) group that combines beat-boxing, turntables, electronic sounds, Tuvan throat singing, and other amazing acoustic feats with traditional Japanese taiko drumming. I appreciate you spending the time to compose such a thoughtful piece. It has taught me a lot to read this. Keep up the fantastic work! I can't wait to read your next posts.
May 2, 2024 at 7:08 AM
I'm thrilled to share that my friends in the On Ensemble have released a new album, "Ume In The Middle," and it's fantastic! This neo-taiko group seamlessly blends traditional Japanese drumming with electronic beats, turntables, and even Tuvan throat singing. Shoji Kameda, known as Kametron, has done an incredible job with the production. Don't miss their taiko tracks on my album, especially on the song "Mado Kara Mieru."
July 2, 2024 at 8:55 AM
On Ensemble ist bekannt für seine innovative Musik, die traditionelle japanische Taiko-Trommeln mit modernen Klängen verbindet, und das Stück Ume In The Middle ist ein weiteres Beispiel für ihre Kreativität. Viele schätzen diesen einzigartigen Musikstil, der Tradition und Moderne vereint. Einige könnten jedoch der Meinung sein, dass das Vermischen solcher verschiedenen Stile eine dumme Erfindung ist, da es die Authentizität der ursprünglichen Musik beeinträchtigen könnte. Letztendlich hängt die Bewertung davon ab, wie offen man für neue musikalische Experimente ist.
October 17, 2024 at 10:34 AM
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