thoughts on music, design and literature

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Imminent Departure!

I leave for London tomorrow, everyone! Wish me luck!

I've got a busy week ahead of me. First, I visit the Royal College of Music on Friday to do a little guest lecture at my old alma mater. Then meetings with some old friends and old professors. Then the day before the session, meeting with the conductor, the contractor (who will be bringing the orchestral parts) and finally going to the session set-up at Abbey Road the night before.

Then it's showtime! 7 hours with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, 1 hour with the Purcell Singers, and 1 hour with some Maori guys performing a 'haka' (see previous blog entry). A busy day!

I'll post pictures when I return.



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"Imminent departure evokes a bittersweet symphony of emotions - the excitement of new beginnings intertwined with the nostalgia of cherished memories left behind. As you embark on this journey, may you embrace every moment with fervor, courage, and an open heart. Farewell to the old, and welcome to the adventures awaiting in the unknown. Bon voyage!" 🚀✨

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Blogger sanradavid said...

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July 25, 2024 at 4:49 AM


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